I have communicated and disseminated my work on this project in various academic publications, public talks, scholarly lectures, and university courses / modules.
- Astrid Haas.“Black Narrative Self-Making in a Changing Scene: The Life and Adventures of James Beckwourth.” Life Narratives, Creativity, and the Social in the Americas. Ed. Wilfried Raussert and Susana Rocha Teixeira. Berlin: De Gruyter, Jan. 2025.
- Astrid Haas, “Native Bondage, Narrative Mobility: African American Accounts of Indigenous Captivity,” Journal of American Studies 56.2 (May 2022): 242-266. This open-access publication is available here free of charge: https://www.doi.org/10.1017/S0021875821000852
- Haas, Astrid. “Entangled Exploitations of Nature and Labor in Caribbean Slave Narratives.” MIDEX Seminar Series, University of Central Lancashire, 20/9/2023.
- Astrid Haas, “Versatile Elements: Water and Mobilities in Caribbean Slave Narratives.” Public Lecture in Honor of UK Black History Month. IBAR / MIDEX Seminar Series. University of Central Lancashire, UK, 20/10/2021.
- Astrid Haas, “Canaan Limited: Canada in Slave and Neo-Slave Narratives.” Public Lecture in Honor of UK Black History Month, IBAR / MIDEX Seminar Series. University of Central Lancashire, 21/10/2020.
- Astrid Haas, “Black Inter-American Mobilities and Autobiography in the Age of Revolutions (1760-1860).” English Department Lecture Series In Conversation and IBAR / MIDEX Seminar Series. University of Central Lancashire, 11/12/2019. See also the slides of this lecture: INTRO SLIDES
Introduction to the Project
- Astrid Haas, “Black Inter-American Mobilities and Life Narratives in the Age of Revolutions.” 1st Conference, Network Black Americas. Bielefeld University, Germany, 20/1/2017.
Indian Captivity Narratives and Black Borderlands Autobiography
- Astrid Haas, “Black Narrative Self-Making in a Changing Scene: The Life and Adventures of James Beckwourth.” International Conference Life Writing, Creativity, and the Social. Bielefeld University, 24/6/2022.
- Astrid Haas, “Writing Back from Indian Country: Forms of Mobility and Resistance in The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth.” 5th Conference, International Association of Inter-American Studies (IAS). University of Coimbra, Portugal, 24/3/2018.
- Astrid Haas, “Briton Hammon’s Narrative of Indian Captivity.” 12th Conference, Collegium for African American Research. University of Málaga, Spain, 13/6/2017.
- Astrid Haas, “Black Rights and Mobilities in African American Narratives of Indian Captivity.” 4th IAS Conference. University of California, Santa Barbara, USA, 4/10/2016.
- Astrid Haas, “John Marrant’s Narrative of Indian Captivity.” 10th Conference, Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas (MESEA). University of Warsaw, Poland, 23/6/2016.
Slave Narratives
- Haas, Astrid. “Entangled Exploitations: Atlantic Slavery and the Anthropocene in Caribbean Slave Narratives.” 7th IAS Conference, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile, 3/10/2023.
- Astrid Haas, “Island (Im)Mobilities: Free and Coerced Movements in the Narratives of Ashton Warner and Mary Prince.” 44th Conference, Society for Caribbean Studies (SCS). University of Wales, UK (online), 8/7/2021.
- Astrid Haas, “To Canada and Beyond: Samuel Ringgold Ward’s Transborder Mobility and Activism.” 66th Conference, British Association for American Studies. Online, 8/4/2021.
- Astrid Haas, “Inter-American Mobility, Abolitionist Mobilization, and Black Empowerment in the Interesting Narrative of Mahommah Baquaqua.” 2nd Conference of the Network Black Americas. Bielefeld University, 18-19/10/2018.
- Astrid Haas, “Black, Muslim, Brazilian, Slave? Mahommah Gardo Baquaqua’s Interesting Narrative and Its Challenges to Latinidad in the 21st Century.” 36th International Congress, Latin American Studies Association. Barcelona, Spain, 26/5/2018. See also a print version of the talk linked here: MGB LATINIDAD
Missionary Memoirs
- Astrid Haas, “Moving Narratives, Mobilizing Faith: Diverse Mobilities in Black Loyalist Missionary Memoirs.” 13th MESEA Conference, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland, 12/6/2024.
- Astrid Haas, “Spatial, Social, and Spiritual Mobilities in Black Loyalist Missionary Memoirs.” 45th Conference, Association for Canadian Studies in German-Speaking Countries, Grainau, Germany, 16-18/2/2024.
- Astrid Haas, “Black Mission and Mobilization Across Borders.” 6th IAS Conference. Texas A&M International University, USA (online), 13/11/2021.
- Astrid Haas, “Mobilizing Missions: Nancy Prince’s Jamaican Sojourn in A Narrative of the Life and Travels of Mrs. Nancy Prince.” 43rd SCS Conference, University of Central Lancashire, 3/7/2019.
Entrepreneurial Travelogues and Black Sailors’ Autobiographies
- Haas, Astrid. “From Property to Proprietors: Free Black Entrepreneurialism in Mid-19th-Century Slave Narratives.” 69th Annual Meeting, German Association for American Studies (GAAS): America and Ownership: Territory, Slavery, Jubilee. Rostock University, Germany, 3/6/2023.
- Astrid Haas, “Contesting Borders of Genre and Geography in Olaudah Equiano’s Interesting Narrative.” 12th MESEA Conference: Communities of Engagement: Breaking Down Borders and Other Barriers in the Era of Climate Crisis. University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus Campus, Larnaca, Cyprus, 26-28/05/2022.
- Astrid Haas, “Waves of Emancipation: Olaudah Equiano’s Atlantic Travels beyond the Middle Passage.” International Conference Black Mobilities in the Atlantic World. University of Central Lancashire (online), 13/1/2022.
Guest Lecture
- “Black Mobilities in the 19th-Century Indigenous Borderlands.” University of Bremen, Germany, 20/05/2021.
University Teaching
I have integrated my research into (co-)teaching in the following modules/courses in English and American Studies at universities in Germany and the UK:
- Graduate Seminar ENG 335: Special Topics in English Literature and Culture: “Writing the Black Atlantic.” University of Bergen, Norway, Spring Term 2023.
- Graduate Seminar “Writing the Black Atlantic.” Bielefeld University, Germany, Winter Term 2020-21.
- Undergraduate Module (Lecture and Seminar) “EN3008: Black Atlantic Writing.” University of Central Lancashire, Spring Term 2020 and Autumn Term 2021.
- Undergraduate Seminar “In Slavery and Freedom: Early African American Autobiography.” University of Wuppertal, Germany, Winter Term 2016-17.
- Undergraduate Seminar “Early African American Autobiography.” Bielefeld University, Winter Term 2014-15.