Institutions and Funding

This page informs about funding and institutional affiliation of the project BIMAAR.


a circle of 12 stars on a plain backgroundThis research project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 834975. For more information, click here:EU PROJECT

This website’s communication and dissemination of the results of the research reflects only the author’s view. The European Commission’s Research Executive Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information this site contains.

The conference Black Mobilities in the Atlantic World further received funding from the following institutions:

a shield with a rose and inscribed "1828," topped by sunrays and the name "University of Central Lancashire" besides itBIMAAR IBAR




Travel to other conferences also received funding by the following institutions:

Logo of the Marie Curie Alumni Association

UCLan Arts and Humanities
Research Academy 



The EU funding allowed Astrid Haas to carry out her research at the Institute for Black Atlantic Research at the University of Central Lancashire, UK, from 2019-2022. With her appointment at the University of Bergen, Norway, she has transfered her project there. View here for her activities to commuicate and disseminate her work:ACTIVITIES


See the University of Central Lancashire’s announcement of the grant being awarded: EU FUNDING AWARDED 

See also a news release about the beginning of the project: NEW IBAR FELLOWS 


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